Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Old newspapers!

Well, in various parts of the basement, usually above bulkheads and around the windows under the living room, there were bits of old newspapers from between 1911 and 1925 and some as recent as 1950 or so.

I photographed many of these newspapers including closeups of various sections, I thought they might make for an interesting blog post.

I also noticed most of the newspapers are from around late December 1924 to new years 1925, I did some digging and found that in our area they were experiencing -25°F temperatures around that time! With December 28, 1924 (a date on of one of the papers in my pics had a record low of -24°F) Mystery solved as to why they decided after a quarter of a century to try to seal up the windows, not counting the single newspaper from 1911.

Most are from the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, which is a defunct newspaper outlet. Has quite a few interesting/pretty advertisements, more than a few for teeth pulling or some sort of tooth creams.

Unfortunately, some like the window below (which has  the OLDEST of the bunch, from 1911) are over windows which I have to take out and re putty and I really don't want to destroy these newspapers to do it. They're so delicate (from the moisture) that if you touch them, they fall apart (the one pictured below I found in that state)  Unless I can manage to properly reglaze them in situ.

The latest one, from around 1950, no date was spotted but on the reverse was an ad for a 1949 truck.

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